Harmony Homes-Foster Family Agency is a private, non-profit public charity dedicated to improving the quality of life for abused, abandoned, and neglected infants, children, youth, and young adults (0 to 21 years of age). Resource parents certified by the agency are provided with training and resources necessary to support the resource parent in working with foster children and youth. Our Harmony Homes Foster Family Agency staff are qualified dedicated professionals who provide in home assistance and support to the resource parent working towards shared goals to improve the lives of the children we serve.
Harmony Homes Foster Family Agency is designed to meet the individual needs of abused and neglected children. Experience has taught us that service is most successful when intervention strategies reflect the strengths and preferences of the individuals served.
Mission and Vision
Our mission is to partner with State and County agencies to ensure safe, nurturing and stable loving homes for foster children.
Our vision is to provide and maintain service excellence by improving our quality of care by meeting the individual and cultural needs of each family.
Our treatment philosophy is a non-judgmental, strength-based Wraparound approach emphasizing the voice, choice and preferences of individuals served, individualized family plans, and individual strengths of the child and family. A focus on what a person “can do” rather than on what a person “cannot do”.
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